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Home > Instructional Guides > Export/Import Chrome bookmarks
Export/Import Chrome bookmarks
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Pre-Laptop Setup 

  1. Open chrome on computer to be replaced and go to bookmark manager in the options tab (Ctrl+Shift+O)
  2. In the top right corner, open the drop down and click export bookmarks and save as an html file in the users one drive




Post-Laptop Set Up


  1. Have user log into their OneDrive and open chrome
  2. Repeating Step 1 from “Pre-Laptop Setup”, go back to the drop down menu and instead click import bookmarks and select the saved HTML file from the OneDrive.
  3. Optional: Bookmark html files can also be added via the chrome main setting
    1. Open main settings and navigate to “import bookmark and settings…”
    2. On the popup screen, select bookmarks HTML File and choose file from OneDrive


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