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Home > Instructional Guides > Setting up CUI Enabled Laptops with AutoPilot
Setting up CUI Enabled Laptops with AutoPilot
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This article is intended to help guide Highlight staff through setting up a laptop that has been provisioned to handle Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) via Microsoft Intune and Windows AutoPilot. 



  • Windows AutoPilot allows non-IT staff to set up new laptops with minimal assistance and/or interference from the IT Department. 
  • Laptops that are configured to handle CUI have additional security controls and policies in place to comply with CUI information processing standards.
  • Highlight IT already completes some of the provisioning process before sending new laptops out to staff members.
  • When you first power on your new laptop you will be at a login screen. The process below describes all the steps you need to take to get set up.



  1. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to unlock the laptop and accept Highlight's Information Systems (IS) Terms and Conditions.
  2. At the login screen, connect to the internet by clicking on the globe icon in the bottom right. 
  3. Sign in with your full Highlight Email and your Email password.
  4. Windows will continue setting up your account, during this process you will be prompted to authenticate with Multifactor Authentication on your Highlight account.
  5. The provisioning process will then continue with "Account Setup". You can click on "Show Details" to view which step you are on.
  6. During Account Setup you will be asked to add your fingerprint or facial recognition for Windows Hello. Click "Skip for Now" on the bottom left. 
  7. You will then be prompted to set up a Windows PIN. The Windows PIN functions just like a normal computer password and will be the default method used to access your computer. 
  8. After creating your PIN you will log in and be at your new Desktop. Wait at the Desktop till the Chrome icon appears on the desktop.
  9. Once Chrome is available, restart the computer once to finish applying all of the security and app settings. 
  10. Log back in and verify the following apps are installed:
    1. Chrome
    2. Company Portal
    3. Adobe Acrobat


Company Portal App

If there are any additional software needed on your computer, please check out our Company Portal app. Here you can install IT approved applications, such as NotePad++, Citrix Workspace and VMware Horizon. If you do not see an application that you need in the Company Portal app, please email the IT Team at [email protected] and we would be able to further assist you.

A few of our applications in the Company Portal app require additional licenses to use. If you need access to Adobe Creative Cloud or Microsoft licenses, please reach out to the IT Team prior to installing Adobe CC or Microsoft Visio.



  • CUI configured laptops are prohibited from installing and running local versions of the Office Suite Apps. Please use the web versions of the following apps by accessing them from
    • Outlook
    • Teams
    • Word
    • PowerPoint
    • Excel
    • OneDrive
  • Documents marked with CUI are not to be stored in OneDrive.
  • Do not download any documents marked as CUI to a CUI configured laptop.


If you encounter any issues during the provisioning process please email [email protected] for assistance. 



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