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Home > Microsoft Outlook/Teams Guides > Teams Best Practices
Teams Best Practices
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Contains: Teams etiquette guidelines from your friendly IT department 

What is Teams?

Teams is a collaboration tool that can do the following: 

  1. Chat
  2. Host/Attend 
  3. Share Files 
  4. Calls 
  5. Access SharePoint 

This application can also be installed on your personal mobile device, so you can stay connected with your team 


How to Request Members for a Team 

  • All requests to add new members to Teams will now go through IT, similar to how we handle SharePoint add requests. 
  • Teams makes it very easy to request adding new members to a Team.
    • If you click on the dots next to your Team name you can select Add Member and then type in the person’s name or email address.

When to Start a New Direct Message (DM)

  •  Please refrain from starting new group DMs every time you need to talk to multiple people. This allows for your Teams app to become cluttered. 
     - Instead, if you regularly talk to a small group of people it's better to create a private channel opposed to a group DM.


  •   If you are utilizing group DMs, please consider renaming the group. 


  • @Mentions is a way to gain someones's attention in a channel conversation or chat. 
  • @Mentions can also be used to gain an entire team.

              - @team to message everyone in that team. 

              - @channel to notify everyone who is part of that channel. 


Replying to a Thread on a Channel 

  • It's better to reply to a post on a channel rather than write in the channel. This helps keep the conversation organized when multiple people try to reply and prevents the original post from getting lost among the chatter. 


Example of a conversation on a post 



Respecting a Person's Presence 

  • In teams a person can set their presence as one of the following:
    • Available 
    • Busy 
    • Do not disturb 
    • Be right back
    • Appear Away
  • If a person is unavailable refrain from messaging them, unless necessary.


Notification Settings On Desktop App 

You can modify your notification settings within your different Teams

  • Select the three dots in the right corner 
  • Select Channel notifications
    • Here you will be able to select if you would like to turn off notifications or you could be notified with a banner and feed or just the feed.


Notification Settings On Mobile App 

You can manage the Team app on your mobile phone if you have installed the Teams app.

  • Open your smart phone Settings.
  • Select on Notifications.
  • Locate the Teams app on select it.
  • Turn off “Allow Notifications” or make changes based of preference. 





General HR Guidelines 

Please follow HR Handbook Guidelines when communicating with co-workers

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